Facial Architecture

Facial Architecture

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781786981295

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 512

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 31 x 23 x 3 cm

An aparitie: 28 Jun. 2024


This book is aimed at health professionals (dental surgeons, doctors, biomedical doctors and pharmacists specialising in esthetics) who want to learn more about orofacial harmonisation techniques. It will cover step-by-step botulinum toxin techniques in the three thirds of the face and therapeutic applications for sialorrhoea, chronic migraine, tension headache, bruxism and hemifacial spasm, and other therapies. It will also examine hyaluronic acid filling techniques in the three thirds of the face, bichectomy procedures enzymatic liposuction and facial threads.

Chapter 01. Face Anatomy and Attached Structures
Chapter 02. Histology
Chapter 03. Aging Factors
Chapter 04. Photographic Documentation in Orofacial Harmonization
Chapter 05. The Use of Technology in Facial Analysis
Chapter 06. Anesthetic Techniques
Chapter 07. Botulinum Toxin
Chapter 08. Toxin Products and Reconstitution
Chapter 09. Application of the Toxin in the Thirds of the Face
Chapter 10. Therapeutic Applications of Botulinum Toxin
Chapter 11. Sialorrhea
Chapter 12. Masseter Muscle Hypertrophy
Chapter 13. Hemifacial Spasm
Chapter 14. Hyaluronic Acid
Chapter 15. A Practical Application of Hyaluronic Acid
Chapter 16. Subcision
Chapter 17. Papilla Filling
Chapter 18. Complications of Hyaluronic Acid
Chapter 19. Bichectomy
Chapter 20. Double Chin Lipolysis
Chapter 21. Orofacial Threads
Chapter 22. Microneedling, Mesotherapy and I-PRF


An aparitie 28 Jun. 2024
Autor Eloá Luvizuto, Thallita Queiroz
Dimensiuni 31 x 23 x 3 cm
Editura Quintessence Publishing
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9781786981295
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 512

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