Checkpoint Physics Pupil’s Book

Checkpoint Physics Pupil’s Book

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780719580697

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Autor: Peter Riley

Editura: Hodder Education

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 192

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 0.9 x 21.3 x 27.6 cm

An aparitie: 2005

* Chapters are presented in the same order as topics in the Checkpoint Physics Scheme of Work, with the one exception of Measurement which has been placed as Chapter 1. * The clear text and colourful illustrations and photographs fully explain the concepts and encourage background reading. * Boxed sections are used to show how scientific ideas have developed over time and how they are applied in today's world. * Questions throughout encourage pupils to extract relevant information from text and think more deeply about the topics. * 'For discussion' boxes are designed specially to stimulate class or group discussions and can be used in work on science and citizenship. * The extensive glossary contains all key syllabus words for physics and helps to build pupils' scientific vocabulary. * The accompanying Teacher's Resource Book provides full support, including details of practical work, answers to all questions in the Pupil's Book and suggestions for the use of ICT.

An aparitie 2005
Autor Peter Riley
Dimensiuni 0.9 x 21.3 x 27.6 cm
Editura Hodder Education
Format Paperback
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 192

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