Breast Imaging Companion

Breast Imaging Companion

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781496314963

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani


Editura: LWW

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 576

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 17.81 x 2.29 x 25.4 cm

An aparitie: 1 Feb. 2017


A pragmatic, common sense approach to the detection, evaluation and management of breast diseases and related imaging findings!   The fourth edition of this best selling “how-to” book includes major revisions, including the expansion of the screening mammography and breast MRI chapters, as well as the addition of digital breast tomosynthesis studies.  Rather than having selected cropped images, the print and online versions of this book provide the reader with thousands of high quality images and complete imaging evaluations, from the screening images to the diagnostic mammogram, and—when appropriate—images from ultrasound, MRI, imaging guided biopsy, and preoperative wire localizations.  Bulleted “key-facts” describe clinical, imaging and histological findings for a spectrum of breast diseases.  With this book, breast-imaging radiologists are strongly encouraged to provide clinical, imaging and pathology concordance for optimal patient care, as well as direct and clinically relevant communication with providers and patients.


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Table of contents:


1 Screening Mammography

General Comments

Screening Trials

Screening Recommendations

Screening Mammography: Who and When

Screening Views: General Comments

Mediolateral Oblique Views

Craniocaudal Views

Exaggerated Craniocaudal Lateral Views

Breast Compression and Anterior Compression Views

Imaging Women with Implants

Approach to Screening Mammography

The Search: How, Where, and What . . .

Digital Breast Tomosynthesis

Mammography ACR BI-RADS® Lexicon

2 Diagnostic Mammography and Problem Solving

General Comments

Spot Compression Views

Spot Compression Magnification Views

Spot Compression Tangential (TAN) Views

Spot Compression Rolled Views (Change of Angle Views)

Lateromedial (LM) Views

Mediolateral (ML) Views

Cleavage (CV) Views

Caudocranial (FB) Views

Lateromedial Oblique (LMO) Views

Superolateral to Inferomedial Oblique Views

Probably Benign Lesions


3 Breast Ultrasound

General Comments

Technical Considerations


Normal Anatomy

Benign Features (Solid Masses)

Intermediate Features (Solid Masses)

Malignant Features (Solid Masses)

American College of Radiology BI-RADS® Ultrasound Lexicon

Ultrasound Artifacts

4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Breast

General Comments

Technical Considerations

Artifacts and Pitfalls

Lesion Evaluation


American College of Radiology BI-RADS® MR Lexicon

5 Skin

General Comments

Skin Manifestations of Breast and Systemic Diseases

Epidermal and Sebaceous Cysts

Furuncles (Boil), Carbuncles

Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars


Mondor Disease

Steatocystoma Multiplex

Cutaneous Angiosarcoma (Post Radiation)

Inflammatory Carcinoma


6 Nipple-Areolar Complex

General Comments

Nipple Changes Associated with Breast Cancer


Paget Disease

Nipple Adenoma

7 Major Subareolar Ducts

General Comments

Duct Ectasia

Subareolar Abscess

Solitary Papillomas

Papillary Carcinoma

8 Terminal Ducts

General Comments

Multiple (Peripheral) Papillomas

Radial Scars—Complex Sclerosing Lesions

Ductal Hyperplasia

Ductal Carcinoma in Situ

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Not Otherwise Specified

Tubular Carcinoma

Mucinous Carcinoma

Medullary Carcinoma

Atypical Medullary Carcinoma

Metaplastic Carcinoma

Invasive Cribriform Carcinoma

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma


Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Secretory Carcinoma (“Juvenile Carcinoma”)

9 Lobules

General Comments



Juvenile Papillomatosis


Complex Fibroadenomas

Juvenile Fibroadenoma

Tubular Adenoma

Lactational Adenoma

Phyllodes Tumor


Columnar Alteration with Prominent Apical Snouts and Secretions (CAPSS)

Mucocele-Like Lesions

Lobular Neoplasia

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

10 Stroma

General Comments


Lymph Nodes

Cat-Scratch Disease

Fat Necrosis


Fibroadenolipoma (Hamartoma)



Abscess (Peripheral)

Granulomatous Mastitis

Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia


Diabetic Fibrous Breast Disease

Extra-Abdominal Desmoid (Fibromatosis)

Granular Cell Tumor



Metastatic Disease


11 The Altered Breast

Breast Biopsy–Related Changes

Lumpectomy and Radiation Therapy

Breast Reconstruction

Imaging of the Mastectomy Site


Reduction Mammoplasty


Hormone-Related Changes


12 The Breast in Men

General Comments


Breast Cancer in Men

13 Interventional Procedures

Cyst Aspiration


Fine Needle Aspiration

Imaging-Guided Needle Biopsy

Preoperative Localizations: Mammographic Guidance

Anteroposterior Wire Localization Approach

Parallel to the Chest Wall Wire Localization Approach

Preoperative Wire Localization: Ultrasound Guidance

Preoperative Radioactive Seed Localization

Specimen Evaluation

Paraffin Block Radiography

Radiology–Pathology Correlation


E1 Breast Cancer: An Overview

Breast Cancer Facts

Prognostic Factors

Risk Marker Lesions



Molecular Classification of Breast Cancer

National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project

Breast Cancer Staging: (TNM Classification)

Breast Cancer Staging

E2 Regulatory Issues

Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992: Background

MQSA: Requirements

MQSA: Inspections

MQSA: Personnel Qualifications

MQSA: Reporting of Results

MQSA: Equipment Standards

Quality Assurance Under MQSA

American College of Radiology, Mammography Accreditation

Mammography Accreditation Program

E3 Quality Control and Technical Considerations

General Comments

Definitions (ACR DMQCM)

Radiologist’s Section (ACR DMQCM)

Technologist’s Section (ACR DMQCM)

Medical Physicist’s Section (ACR DMQCM)

Clinical Image Review

E4 Breast Imaging Consultation Report

General Concepts

For Masses . . .

For Calcifications . . .

For Architectural Distortion . . .

For Asymmetries . . .

For Intramammary Lymph Node . . .

For Skin Lesions . . .

For Solitary Dilated Duct . . .

Associated Features


Patient Notification Letters

Sample Reports

E5 Breast Imaging Practice Audits

General Comments


Basic Medical Audit

Complete Medical Audit

E6 Self-Assessment




An aparitie 1 Feb. 2017
Dimensiuni 17.81 x 2.29 x 25.4 cm
Editura LWW
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781496314963
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 576
Versiune digitala DA

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