Atlas of Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography

Atlas of Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780199754632

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 336

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 222 x 280 x 22 mm

An aparitie: 21 Mar 2013



Beautifully and lavishly illustrated, Atlas of Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography demystifies the major conditions affecting peripheral nerves and provides electrodiagnostic strategies for confirming suspected lesions of the peripheral nervous system.Building on the success of the landmark Atlas of Electromyography, this new text is divided into sections based on the major peripheral nerves. It contains detailed illustrations of each nerve along with a discussion of its anatomy, followed by a thorough outline of the clinical conditions and entrapment syndromes that affect the nerve, including a list of the etiologies, clinical features, and electrodiagnostic strategies used for each syndrome. Routine and special motor and sensory nerve conduction studies are shown in an anatomical illustration. In addition, each muscle supplied by the peripheral nerve is illustrated showing the root, plexus, and peripheral nerve supply to the muscle and is accompanied by a corresponding human photograph. Written text provides information about the nerve conduction studies, muscle origin, tendon insertion, voluntary activation maneuver, and the site of optimum needle insertion, which is identified in the figures by a black dot or a needle electrode.Atlas of Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography is the perfect anatomical guide for neurologists, specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation, and electrodiagnostic medicine consultants, while also providing support for individuals in residency training programs, critical care medicine, neurological surgery, and family practice.


Table of Contents:


1. Overview of Nerve Conduction Studies

How the Peripheral Nervous System Conveys Information

Stimulating and Recording Electrodes

Electrode Amplifiers and Ground Electrode

Reducing Artifacts and Interference

Electrical Safety

Temperature Effect

Effect of Aging

Motor Nerve Conduction

Sensory Nerve Conduction

Role of Dorsal Root Ganglia (DRG) in Localizing Lesions

Late Responses: F-wave and H-reflex

Types of Nerve Injury


Axonal Loss Injury

Ion channel Disorders (Channelopathies)

2. Overview of Electromyography (EMG)

The Motor Unit

Needle Electrodes

Muscle Selection for Needle EMG

The Needle EMG Examination

Assessment of Insertional Activity

Assessment of Spontaneous Activity

Assessment of Motor Unit Potentials (MUPs)

Assessment of Firing Pattern and Recruitment

Complications Related to Needle Electromyography

3. Brachial Plexus

Upper Trunk Lesion

Middle Trunk Lesion

Lower Trunk Lesion

Plexus Cord Lesions

4. Median Nerve

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome

Pronator Teres Syndrome

Ligament of Struthers' Syndrome

Median Nerve Conduction Studies

Median Motor Nerve Conduction Study

Short Segment Stimulation across the Palm ("inching technique”)

Median F-waves

Martin-Gruber Anastomosis

Median Sensory Nerve Conduction Study

Median and Ulnar Palmar Comparative Study for the Diagnosis of CTS

Median and Ulnar Digit 4 (ring finger) Comparative Study

Median and Superficial Radial Digit 1 (thumb) Comparative Study

Combined Sensory Index (CSI)

Standards for Severity of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Digital Branch Injury

Needle Electromyography

Abductor Pollicis Brevis

Opponens Pollicis

Flexor Pollicis Brevis

1st, 2nd Lumbricals

Pronator Quadratus

Flexor Pollicis Longus

Flexor Digitorum Profundus, Digits 2 and

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (sublimis)

Palmaris Longus

Flexor Carpi Radialis

Pronator Teres

5. Ulnar Nerve

Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow (Retrocondylar Groove)

Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow (Cubital Tunnel Syndrome)

Ulnar Neuropathy at the Wrist (Guyon's Canal)

Ulnar Nerve Conduction Studies

Ulnar Motor Nerve Conduction Study from Abductor Digiti Minimi (ADM)

Ulnar Motor Nerve Conduction Study from First Dorsal Interosseous (FDI)

Short Segment Stimulation across the Elbow ("inching technique”)

Ulnar F-waves

Martin-Gruber Anastomosis

Riches-Cannieu Anastomosis (RCA)

Ulnar Sensory Nerve Conduction Study

Dorsal Ulnar Cutaneous (DUC) Nerve Conduction Study

Anomalous Superficial Radial Innervation to Ulnar Dorsum of Hand

Needle Electromyography

Adductor Pollicis

Flexor Pollicis Brevis

First Dorsal Interosseous

2nd, 3rd, 4th Dorsal Interossei

Palmar Interossei

3rd and 4th Lumbricals

Abductor Digiti Minimi

Opponens Digiti Minimi

Flexor Digiti Minimi

Flexor Digitorum Profundus, Digits 4 and 5

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

6. Radial Nerve

Radial Nerve Lesion in the Arm

Radial Nerve Lesion in the Axilla

Posterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome

Superficial Radial Nerve Lesion

Radial Nerve Conduction Studies

Radial Motor Nerve Conduction Study

Superficial Radial Sensory Nerve Conduction Study

Needle Electromyography

Extensor Indicis

Extensor Pollicis Brevis

Extensor Pollicis Longus

Abductor Pollicis Longus

Extensor Digitorum Communis and Extensor Digiti Minimi

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris


Extensor Carpi Radialis, Longus and Brevis



Triceps, Lateral Head

Triceps, Long Head

Triceps, Medial Head

7. Axillary Nerve

Axillary Nerve Lesion

Axillary Motor Nerve Conduction Study

Needle Electromyography

Deltoid, Anterior Fibers

Deltoid, Middle Fibers

Deltoid, Posterior Fibers

Teres Minor

8. Musculocutaneous Nerve

Musculocutaneous Nerve Lesion

Musculocutaneous Nerve Conduction Studies

Musculocutaneous Motor Nerve Conduction Study

Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of the Forearm (Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous) Conduction Study

Needle Electromyography


Biceps Brachii


9. Medial Cutaneous Nerve of the Forearm

(Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve)

Lesion of the Medial Cutaneous Nerve of the Forearm

Medial Cutaneous Nerve of the Forearm Conduction Study

10. Suprascapular Nerve

Suprascapular Nerve Lesion

Needle Electromyography



11. Dorsal Scapular Nerve

Dorsal Scapular Nerve Lesion

Rhomboideus Major and Minor

Levator Scapulae

12. Long Thoracic Nerve

Long Thoracic Nerve Lesion

Needle Electromyography

Serratus Anterior

13. Subscapular Nerves and the Thoracodorsal Nerve

Needle Electromyography

Teres Major

Latissimus Dorsi

14. Medial and Lateral Pectoral Nerves

Needle Electromyography

Pectoralis Major

Pectoralis Minor

15. Cervical Plexus

16. Phrenic Nerve

Phrenic Nerve Lesion

Phrenic Nerve Conduction Study

Needle Electromyography


17. Sacral Plexus

Sacral Plexus Lesion

18. Sciatic Nerve

Sciatic Nerve Lesion

Needle Electromyography



Biceps Femoris (Long Head)

Biceps Femoris (Short Head)

19. Tibial Nerve

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tibial Nerve Conduction Studies

Tibial Motor Nerve Conduction Studies

Tibial F-waves

Sural Sensory Nerve Conduction Study


Medial and Lateral Plantar Nerve Conduction Studies

Needle Electromyography

Gastrocnemius, Medial Head

Gastrocnemius, Lateral Head


Tibialis Posterior

Flexor Digitorum Longus

Flexor Hallucis Longus


Abductor Hallucis

Flexor Digitorum Brevis

Flexor Hallucis Brevis

Abductor Digiti Minimi (Quinti)

Adductor Hallucis

20. Common Peroneal Nerve

Common Peroneal Mononeuropathy at the Knee

Common Peroneal Nerve Conduction Studies

Common Peroneal Motor Nerve Conduction Study from Extensor Digitorum Brevis

Peroneal F-waves

Accessory Deep Peroneal Nerve

Common Peroneal Motor Nerve Conduction Study from Tibialis Anterior

Short Segment Stimulation across the Fibular Head ("Inching Technique”)

Superficial Peroneal Sensory Nerve Conduction Study

Needle Electromyography

Tibialis Anterior

Extensor Digitorum Longus

Extensor Hallucis Longus

Peroneus Tertius

Extensor Digitorum Brevis

Peroneus Longus

Peroneus Brevis

21. Superior Gluteal Nerve

Needle Electromyography

Gluteus Medius

Gluteus Minimus

Tensor Fasciae Latae

22. Inferior Gluteal Nerve

Needle Electromyography

Gluteus Maximus

23. Pudendal Nerve

Pudendal Nerve Lesion

Needle Electromyography

Sphincter Ani Externus (External Anal Sphincter)

Levator Ani

24. Lumbar Plexus

Lesion of the Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve (Meralgia Paresthetica)

Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Conduction Study

Needle Electromyography

External Oblique, Internal Oblique, and Transversus Abdominis

25. Femoral Nerve

Femoral Nerve Lesion

Femoral Nerve Conduction Studies

Femoral Motor Nerve Conduction Study

Saphenous Sensory Nerve Conduction Study

Needle Electromyography

Iliacus (Iliopsoas)



Rectus Femoris

Vastus Lateralis

Vastus Intermedius

Vastus Medialis

26. Obturator Nerve

Obturator Nerve Lesion

Needle Electromyography

Adductor Longus

Adductor Brevis

Adductor Magnus


27. Paraspinal Muscles

Needle Electromyography

Cervical Paraspinal

Thoracic Paraspinal

Lumbosacral Paraspinal

28. Cranial Nerves and Muscles

Spinal Accessory Nerve Conduction Study

Facial Motor Nerve Conduction Study

Blink Reflex Study

Needle Electromyography




Orbicularis Oculi

Orbicularis Oris



29. Dermatomes and Peripheral Nerve Cutaneous Distributions



An aparitie 21 Mar 2013
Autor A. Arturo Leis, Michael P. Schenk
Dimensiuni 222 x 280 x 22 mm
Editura Oxford University Press
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780199754632
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 336

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