Atlas of Dentistry in Cats and Dogs

Atlas of Dentistry in Cats and Dogs

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9783132432826

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Thieme

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 468

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 30.99 x 23.11 cm

An aparitie: 30 May 2020



Dentistry at its finest

As a veterinarian and dentist in one, Dr. Markus Eickhoff has practiced high-level canine and feline dentistry for over 20 years. He now shares his fund of experience in this book with over 1500 images.

What equipment do I need? What treatment options are available and how do I perform them? This book provides detailed, systematic and generously illustrated instructions.

Over 1500 illustrations present details of many fascinating cases, allowing the practitioner to follow procedures in detail. The myriad practical tips and step-by-step instructions for performing common dental procedures provide security when performing dental treatment on small animals. Supported by the images, Dr. Eickhoff introduces the practitioner to commonly performed procedures such as the extraction of root fragments or the placement of fillings.

The focus on dogs and cats allows not only conventional treatment options but also less common ones to be presented in detail. Benefit from the latest insights for treating exceptional cases such as cleft palate or dental ankylosis.


Table of Contents:


Section I Fundamentals

1 Patient History

2 Examining the Head and Oral Cavity

2.1 Anatomy and Morphology of the Oral Cavity

2.2 Canine Oral Cavity

2.3 Feline Oral Cavity

2.4 Intraoral Radiography

2.5 Dental Probing

3 Interpreting Clinical Signs

3.1 Interpreting Clinical Signs of Pediatric Disorders

3.2 Interpreting Clinical Signs of Periodontal Disorders

3.3 Interpreting Clinical Signs of Trauma-related Conditions

3.4 Interpreting Clinical Signs of Resorptive Disorders

3.5 Interpreting the Clinical Signs of Mucosal Inflammatory Diseases

3.6 Interpreting Findings in Tumor Diseases

4 Treatment Aspects

4.1 Instruments and Equipment

4.1.1 Technical Resources

4.1.2 Instruments

4.2 Handling Instruments

4.3 Local Anesthesia

Section II Recurring Procedures

5 Dental Prophylaxis

5.1 Oral Hygiene Status

5.2 Dental Cleaning

5.2.1 Preparation

5.2.2 Ultrasonic Scaling

5.2.3 Dental Cleaning with Manual Tools

5.2.4 Polishing and Antiseptic Application

5.3 Toothbrushes

6 Tooth Extraction

6.1 Closed Extraction – Step by Step

6.1.1 Step 1

6.1.2 Step 2

6.1.3 Step 3

6.1.4 Step 4

6.2 Open Extraction of a Single-rooted Tooth – Step by Step

6.2.1 Step 1

6.2.2 Step 2

6.2.3 Step 3

6.2.4 Step 4

6.2.5 Step 5

6.2.6 Step 6

6.2.7 Step 7

6.3 Open Extraction of a Multirooted Tooth – Step by Step

6.3.1 Step 1

6.3.2 Step 2

6.3.3 Step 3

6.3.4 Step 4

6.3.5 Step 5

6.3.6 Step 6

6.3.7 Step 7

6.3.8 Step 8

6.3.9 Step 9

7 Retrieving Root Fragments

7.1 Retrieving Root Fragments – Step by Step

7.1.1 Step 1

7.1.2 Step 2

7.1.3 Step 3

7.1.4 Step 4

7.1.5 Step 5

7.1.6 Step 6

7.1.7 Step 7

7.1.8 Step 8

7.1.9 Step 9

8 Composite Fillings

8.1 Composite Fillings – Step by Step

8.1.1 Step 1

8.1.2 Step 2

8.1.3 Step 3

8.1.4 Step 4

8.1.5 Step 5

8.1.6 Step 6

9 Vital Pulpotomy

9.1 Crown Reduction – Step by Step

9.1.1 Step 1

9.1.2 Step 2

9.1.3 Step 3

9.1.4 Step 4

9.1.5 Step 5

9.1.6 Step 6

10 Crown Amputation

10.1 Crown Amputation – Step by Step

10.1.1 Step 1

10.1.2 Step 2

10.1.3 Step 3

10.1.4 Step 4

10.1.5 Step 5

11 Root Canal Fillings

11.1 Single-rooted Tooth – Step by Step

11.1.1 Step 1

11.1.2 Step 2

11.1.3 Step 3

11.1.4 Step 4

11.1.5 Step 5

11.1.6 Step 6

11.1.7 Step 7

11.1.8 Step 8

11.1.9 Step 9

11.1.10 Step 10

11.2 Multirooted Tooth 108 – Step by Step

11.2.1 Step 1

11.2.2 Step 2

11.2.3 Step 3

11.2.4 Step 4

11.2.5 Step 5

11.2.6 Step 6

11.2.7 Step 7

11.3 Multirooted Tooth 208 – Step by Step

11.3.1 Step 1

11.3.2 Step 2

11.3.3 Step 3

11.3.4 Step 4

11.3.5 Step 5

11.3.6 Step 6

12 Apicoectomy

12.1 Apicoectomy – Step by Step

12.1.1 Step 1

12.1.2 Step 2

12.1.3 Step 3

12.1.4 Step 4

12.1.5 Step 5

12.1.6 Step 6

13 Attaching Brackets

13.1 Attaching Brackets – Step by Step

13.1.1 Step 1

13.1.2 Step 2

13.1.3 Step 3

13.1.4 Step 4

13.1.5 Step 5

13.1.6 Step 6

14 Plate/Bite Plate

14.1 Acrylic Plate with Screw – Step by Step

14.1.1 Step 1

14.1.2 Step 2

14.1.3 Step 3

14.1.4 Step 4

14.1.5 Step 5

14.1.6 Step 6

14.1.7 Step 7

14.1.8 Step 8

Section III Case Studies

15 Young Animals

15.1 Missing Teeth

15.1.1 Multiple Missing Teeth (Hypodontia) and Reduced Tooth Development in Dogs

15.1.2 Hypodontia and Dental Fracture in Cats

15.1.3 Undeveloped Canines in Dogs

15.1.4 Retained Mandibular Premolar in a Dog and Severe Osteolysis

15.1.5 Bilateral Retained Mandibular Premolars in a Dog

15.1.6 Retained Maxillary Canine Tooth in a Dog

15.1.7 Orthodontic Treatment of a Retained Maxillary Canine Tooth in a Dog

15.2 Supernumerary Teeth

15.2.1 Persistent Deciduous Canines and Malpositioned Permanent Teeth in a Dog

15.2.2 Siblings with Hyperdontia

15.2.3 Double Maxillary Canines in a Cat

15.2.4 Malpositioned Incisors Due to Odontoma in a Dog

15.3 Dental Anomalies

15.3.1 Enamel Hypoplasia of Canines and Molars in a Dog

15.3.2 Generalized Enamel Hypoplasia with Root Deformity in a Dog

15.3.3 Dental Anomaly in a Dog

15.3.4 Double Crown of the Mandibular Premolars in a Cat

15.4 Malocclusions

15.4.1 Linguoversion and Mandibular Distoclusion

15.4.2 Rostral and Caudal Crossbite

15.4.3 Mesioverted Canine (Lance Canine)

15.5 Abrasions in a Young Animal

15.6 Tooth Fractures in Young Animals

15.6.1 Fractured Teeth 504 and 604.

15.6.2 Fractured Tooth 504

15.7 Persistent Deciduous Teeth

15.7.1 Persistent Deciduous Teeth

15.7.2 Shark Teeth in a Small Dog

15.8 Cleft Palate

15.8.1 Complete Cleft Palate in a Dog

15.8.2 Complete Cleft Palate Closure in a Dog, Two-stage Procedure

15.8.3 Trauma-induced Cleft Palate in a Cat

15.8.4 Cleft Lip and Palate in a Dog

15.9 Craniomandibular Osteopathy (CMO)

16 Teeth

16.1 Abrasion and Attrition

16.1.1 Severe Attrition of the Incisors

16.1.2 Severe Abrasion of the Front Teeth

16.1.3 Discoloration of the Maxillary Canine after Abrasion

16.1.4 Periapical Osteolysis of the Maxillary Carnassial Tooth after Abrasion

16.1.5 Abrasion of the Maxillary Canine with Fistula Formation

16.2 Tooth Fractures and Related Conditions

16.2.1 Tooth Discoloration

16.2.2 Tooth Fracture

16.2.3 Isolated Apical Process

16.2.4 Root Remnants

16.2.5 Vital Pulpotomy

16.2.6 Apexification

16.2.7 Bleaching

16.3 Caries

16.3.1 Caries on the Maxillary Cheek Teeth with Filling and Extraction

16.4 Fillings

16.4.1 Deformed Maxillary Canine Crown

16.4.2 Chipping of the Cusp and Buccal Surface on a Maxillary Carnassial Tooth

16.5 Crown Replacement

16.5.1 Metal Crown for Canine Tooth

16.5.2 Ceramic Canine Crown

16.5.3 Carnassial Tooth Crown

16.6 Feline Tooth Resorption

16.6.1 Schematics for Feline Tooth Resorption

16.6.2 Multiple Feline Resorptive Lesions

16.6.3 Tooth Resorption on Canine Roots

16.6.4 Development of Feline Tooth Resorption after Crown Amputation

16.7 Canine Tooth Resorption

16.7.1 Canine Tooth Resorption on Tooth 309

16.8 Tooth Displacement

16.8.1 Displacement of the Maxillary Left Canine

16.8.2 Avulsion of the Maxillary Right Canine Tooth

16.9 Tooth Extraction

16.9.1 Open Extraction of the Maxillary Canine Tooth in a Dog

16.9.2 Open Extraction of the Maxillary Canine Tooth in a Cat

16.9.3 Extraction of Multiple Maxillary Cheek Teeth in a Cat

16.9.4 Extraction of a Root Fragment of a Maxillary Carnassial Tooth in a Cat

16.9.5 Extraction of Teeth with Root Resorption in a Dog

16.10 Dental Implant of a Canine Tooth

17 Periodontium

17.1 Periodontium: Physiology and Pathology

17.1.1 Evaluating the Periodontium in a Dog

17.1.2 Evaluating the Periodontium in a Cats

17.2 Periodontitis

17.2.1 Gingivitis in the Dog

17.2.2 Effect of Dental Cleaning on the Canine Gingiva

17.2.3 Gingivectomy in a Cat with Gingival Hyperplasia

17.2.4 Generalized Periodontitis in a Dog

17.2.5 Generalized Periodontitis in a Cat

17.2.6 Fistula Formation in Association with Periodontitis

17.2.7 Symmetrical Advanced Periodontitis at the Maxillary Cheek Teeth

17.2.8 Local Interdental Periodontitis

17.2.9 Labial Gingivoplasty in a Dog with Local Periodontitis

17.2.10 Malocclusion-induced Local Periodontitis

17.2.11 Local Periodontitis due to a Crossbite of the Front Teeth

17.2.12 Local Periodontitis and Kissing Ulcers

17.2.13 Lasers

17.2.14 Laser Applications in Periodontology

17.2.15 Laser Gingivectomy in Cats

17.2.16 Dissecting Periodontal Mucosa

17.2.17 Covering Gingival Recession at the Maxillary Carnassial Tooth in a Cat

17.2.18 Guided Tissue Regeneration and Guided Bone Regeneration

17.3 Gingival Hyperplasia

17.3.1 Gingival Hyperplasia and Gingivectomy

17.3.2 Gingival Hyperplasia and Pseudopockets

17.3.3 Gingival Hyperplasia in a Cat

17.3.4 Feline Gingival Hyperplasia and Extractions

17.4 Oronasal Fistula

17.4.1 Symmetrical Oronasal Fistulas of the Maxillary Canine Teeth

17.4.2 Closing an Oronasal Fistula at the Maxillary Left Canine Tooth

17.5 Gingivostomatitis

17.5.1 Gingivostomatitis with Extraction of All Cheek Teeth

17.5.2 Gingivostomatitis in a Young Cat

17.5.3 Delayed Recovery from Gingivostomatitis

17.5.4 Gingivostomatitis Before and After Extraction of All Teeth

17.6 Stomatitis in a Dog

17.6.1 Polypoid Stomatitis

17.6.2 Mucositis

18 Oral Mucosa

18.1 Immunogenic Inflammation

18.1.1 Contact Ulcer

18.1.2 Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex

18.1.3 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

18.1.4 Eosinophilic Myositis

18.1.5 Lip Fold Dermatitis

18.2 Trauma

18.2.1 Stick Injury to the Palate

18.2.2 Fistula Formation after a Stick Injury to the Palate

18.2.3 Avulsion of the Skin over the Mandible after an Accident

19 Oral Masses

19.1 Cysts

19.1.1 Follicular Cyst in the Mandible Near a Partially Retained Premolar

19.1.2 Symmetrical Follicular Cysts in the Mandible

19.1.3 Symmetrical Ranula Formation

19.2 Tumors

19.2.1 Squamous Cell Carcinoma at the Mandibular Front Teeth of a Dog

19.2.2 Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Maxilla of a Cat

19.2.3 Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Mandible of a Cat

19.2.4 Diagram of Jaw Resection

19.2.5 Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma at the Caudal Body of the Mandible in a Dog

19.2.6 Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma at the Mandibular Front Teeth of a Dog

19.2.7 Papilloma in a Young Dog

19.2.8 Odontoma in a Dog

19.2.9 Odontoma in a Cat

19.2.10 Symmetrical Tissue Granulation in the Mandible of a Cat

19.2.11 Treatment of Inflammatory Oral Masses through Crown Reduction of the Carnassial Teeth in a Cat

19.2.12 Other Diagnostic Imaging

20 Jawbone

20.1 Jaw Fractures

20.1.1 Noninvasive Repair of a Fractured Body of the Mandible in a Dog

20.1.2 Nasal Fracture

20.1.3 Nasal Avulsion

20.1.4 Symphyseal Separation in a Cat

20.1.5 Fracture of the Caudal Body of the Mandible in a Cat

20.1.6 TMJ Fracture in a Cat

20.1.7 Carnassial Tooth in the Fracture Gap

20.2 TMJ Luxation

20.2.1 TMJ Luxation in a Dog

20.2.2 TMJ Luxation in a Cat

20.3 TMJ Dysplasia

20.3.1 TMJ Dysplasia in a Dog

20.3.2 TMJ Dysplasia in a Cat

Section IV Appendix

21 Selected References

About the Authors

Contact Information




An aparitie 30 May 2020
Autor Markus Eickhoff
Dimensiuni 30.99 x 23.11 cm
Editura Thieme
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9783132432826
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 468

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