AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review 3

AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review 3

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781975127176

Disponibilitate: Acest produs nu este momentan in stoc

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 2190

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 23.1 x 11.7 x 29.2 cm

An aparitie: 2019

AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review, 3rd edition offers sweeping coverage of the core of orthopaedic knowledge that spans the spectrum of the orthopaedic specialties. This convenient, comprehensive and user-friendly text combines the specific information you need to prepare for your examination.

Study to prepare for your Board Exam! This 3-volume study set is designed to prepare orthopaedic residents for the Orthopaedic In Training Exam (OITE), and the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) Board Certification examination. Dr. Lieberman and his editorial team of Board-certified orthopaedic surgeons edited and present this thorough text in a concise outline format, giving you ready access to the important facts as a quick bulleted review of the concepts you need to know.

Study to retain knowledge! With relevant content developed and updated by over 400 physician contributors and editors, this third edition reinforces what you've learned on your daily rounds and skills labs. Organized by specialty, each of the 149 chapters is loaded with color images, illustrations, tables, and charts to support the material and help you retain the information.

Study to achieve proficiency! Pinpoint areas for further study by self-testing with nearly 500 multiple-choice companion study questions. Each question includes the preferred response with additional discussion and explanation of the topics.

Table of Contents:









Section 1 General Knowledge

Chapter 1 Musculoskeletal Imaging

Chapter 2 Coagulation and Thromboembolism

Chapter 3 Normal and Pathologic Gait

Chapter 4 Orthoses, Amputations, and Prostheses

Chapter 5 Occupational Health/Work-­Related Injury and Illness

Chapter 6 Anesthesiology

Chapter 7 Electrophysiologic Assessment

Chapter 8 Neuro-­orthopaedics and Rehabilitation

Chapter 9 Medicolegal Issues

Chapter 10 Medical Ethics

Section 2 Spine

Chapter 11 Anatomy of the Spine

Chapter 12 Physical Examination of the Spine

Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Nonsurgical Treatment of Spinal Disorders

Chapter 14 Adult Spinal Deformity

Chapter 15 Infections of the Spine

Chapter 16 Spinal Trauma

Chapter 17 Degenerative Conditions of the Cervical Spine

Chapter 18 Lumbar Degenerative Disease and Low Back Pain

Chapter 19 Assessment and Treatment of Osteoporosis and Vertebral Fractures

Chapter 20 Inflammatory Diseases of the Spine

Chapter 21 Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Chapter 22 Imaging of the Spine

Section 3 Hand and Wrist

Chapter 23 Anatomy of the Hand and Wrist

Chapter 24 Carpal Instability

Chapter 25 Arthritides of the Hand and Wrist

Chapter 26 Congenital Hand and Wrist Differences and Brachial Plexus Birth Injury

Chapter 27 Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injuries

Chapter 28 Nerve Injuries and Nerve Transfers

Chapter 29 Tendon Transfers for Peripheral Nerve Injuries in the Upper Extremity

Chapter 30 Flexor and Extensor Tendon Injuries

Chapter 31 Tendinopathy of the Hand and Wrist

Chapter 32 Dupuytren Contracture

Chapter 33 Burns and Frostbite

Chapter 34 Infections of the Hand

Chapter 35 Nerve Compression Syndromes

Chapter 36 Replantations in the Upper Extremities

Chapter 37 Soft-­Tissue Coverage

Chapter 38 Acute and Chronic Vascular Disorders of the Hand and Wrist

Chapter 39 Wrist Arthroscopy

Section 4 Total Joint Preservation and Arthroplasty

Chapter 40 General Evaluation of the Hip Patient

Chapter 41 Radiographic Evaluation of the Hip

Chapter 42 Surgical Anatomy of the Hip

Chapter 43 Nonarthroplasty Surgical Treatment of the Hip

Chapter 44 Primary Hip Arthroplasty

Chapter 45 Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty

Chapter 46 General Evaluation of the Knee Patient

Chapter 47 Radiographic Evaluation and Surgical Anatomy of the Knee

Chapter 48 Nonarthroplasty Surgical Treatment of the Knee

Chapter 49 Primary Knee Arthroplasty

Chapter 50 Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty

Chapter 51 Biomechanics and Wear in Joint Arthroplasty

Chapter 52 Periprosthetic Joint Infections

Chapter 53 Periprosthetic Fractures Associated With Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

Section 5 Basic Science

Chapter 54 Orthopaedic Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, and Immunology

Chapter 55 Skeletal Development

Chapter 56 Musculoskeletal Infections and Microbiology

Chapter 57 Biomechanics

Chapter 58 Biomaterials

Chapter 59 Bone Grafts, Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, and Bone Substitutes

Chapter 60 Bone and Joint Biology

Chapter 61 Articular Cartilage and Osteoarthritis

Chapter 62 Tendons and Ligaments

Chapter 63 Peripheral Nervous System

Chapter 64 Skeletal Muscle

Chapter 65 Intervertebral Disk

Chapter 66 Statistics: Practical Applications for Orthopaedics

Chapter 67 Evidence-­Based Medicine

Chapter 68 Biologics and Current Applications


Section 6 Shoulder and Elbow

Chapter 69 Anatomy of the Shoulder, Arm, and Elbow

Chapter 70 Physical Examination of the Shoulder and Elbow

Chapter 71 Imaging of the Shoulder and Elbow

Chapter 72 Rotator Cuff Tears and Cuff Tear Arthropathy

Chapter 73 The Unstable Shoulder

Chapter 74 Adhesive Capsulitis

Chapter 75 Arthritis and Arthroplasty of the Shoulder

Chapter 76 Disorders of the Acromioclavicular Joint

Chapter 77 Disorders of the Sternoclavicular Joint

Chapter 78 Superior Labrum Anterior to Posterior Tears and Lesions of the Proximal Biceps Tendon

Chapter 79 Lateral and Medial Epicondylitis

Chapter 80 Elbow Stiffness

Chapter 81 Acute and Recurrent Elbow Instability

Chapter 82 Arthritis and Arthroplasty of the Elbow

Chapter 83 Distal Biceps Tendon Injuries

Chapter 84 Elbow Injuries in the Athlete

Chapter 85 Disorders of the Scapula

Section 7 Trauma

Chapter 86 Evaluation of the Trauma Patient

Chapter 87 Gunshot Wounds and Open Fractures

Chapter 88 Nonunions, Malunions, and Osteomyelitis

Chapter 89 Fractures of the Clavicle, Scapula, and Glenoid

Chapter 90 Proximal Humeral Fractures

Chapter 91 Fractures of the Humeral Shaft and the Distal Humerus

Chapter 92 Fractures of the Elbow

Chapter 93 Terrible Triad Injuries of the Elbow

Chapter 94 Forearm Trauma and Diaphyseal Fractures

Chapter 95 Hand Trauma

Chapter 96 Wrist Fractures and Dislocations, Carpal Dissociation, and Distal Radius Fractures

Chapter 97 Pelvic, Acetabular, and Sacral Fractures

Chapter 98 Hip Dislocations and Femoral Head Fractures

Chapter 99 Fractures of the Hip

Chapter 100 Fractures of the Femoral Shaft and Distal Femur

Chapter 101 Knee Dislocations and Patellar Fractures

Chapter 102 Tibial Plateau and Tibial-­Fibular Shaft Fractures

Chapter 103 Fractures of the Ankle and Tibial Plafond

Chapter 104 Foot Trauma

Chapter 105 Geriatric Trauma

Chapter 106 Acute Compartment Syndrome

Chapter 107 Rib Cage Fractures and Flail Chest

Section 8 Foot and Ankle

Chapter 108 Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Foot and Ankle

Chapter 109 Regional Anesthesia for Foot and Ankle Surgery

Chapter 110 Disorders of the First Ray

Chapter 111 Forefoot Disorders

Chapter 112 Acute and Chronic Injuries of the Ankle

Chapter 113 Arthroscopy of the Ankle

Chapter 114 Arthritides of the Foot and Ankle

Chapter 115 Tendon Disorders of the Foot and Ankle

Chapter 116 Heel Pain

Chapter 117 Neurologic Disorders of the Foot and Ankle

Chapter 118 The Diabetic Foot and Ankle

Chapter 119 Tumors and Infections of the Foot and Ankle

Section 9 Sports Medicine

Chapter 120 Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Knee

Chapter 121 Extensor Mechanism Injuries

Chapter 122 Ligamentous Injuries of the Knee

Chapter 123 Meniscal Injuries

Chapter 124 Articular Cartilage Injury and Treatment

Chapter 125 Overuse Injuries

Chapter 126 Concussion and Common Neurologic Sports Injuries

Chapter 127 Medical Aspects of Sports Participation

Chapter 128 Prevention and Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries

Section 10 Pediatrics

Chapter 129 Skeletal Dysplasias and Mucopolysaccharidoses

Chapter 130 Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders and Syndromes

Chapter 131 Pediatric Neuromuscular Disorders

Chapter 132 Musculoskeletal Infection of Children and Adolescents

Chapter 133 The Pediatric Hip

Chapter 134 Pediatric Foot Conditions

Chapter 135 Pediatric Lower Extremity Deformities and Limb Deficiencies

Chapter 136 Limb Deformity Analysis

Chapter 137 Musculoskeletal Conditions and Injuries in the Young Athlete

Chapter 138 Pediatric Polytrauma and Upper Extremity Fractures

Chapter 139 Pediatric Pelvic and Lower Extremity Fractures

Chapter 140 Pediatric Spine

Section 11 Oncology

Chapter 141 Overview of Orthopaedic Oncology and Systemic Disease

Chapter 142 Principles of Treatment of Musculoskeletal Tumors

Chapter 143 Benign Bone Tumors and Reactive Lesions

Chapter 144 Malignant Bone Tumors

Chapter 145 Benign Soft-­Tissue Tumors and Reactive Lesions

Chapter 146 Malignant Soft-­Tissue Tumors

Chapter 147 Miscellaneous Lesions

Chapter 148 Metastatic Bone Disease

Chapter 149 Metabolic Bone and Inflammatory Joint Disease


Chapter 150 Spine

Chapter 151 Hand and Wrist

Chapter 152 Total Joint Preservation and Arthroplasty

Chapter 153 Basic Science

Chapter 154 Shoulder and Elbow

Chapter 155 Trauma

Chapter 156 Foot and Ankle

Chapter 157 Sports Medicine

Chapter 158 Pediatrics

Chapter 159 Oncology




An aparitie 2019
Autor Jay R. Lieberman M.D.
Dimensiuni 23.1 x 11.7 x 29.2 cm
Editura Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781975127176
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 2190

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