The Immunology of the Cat

The Immunology of the Cat

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780443291791

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Autor: Ian R Tizard

Editura: Elsevier

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 464

Coperta: Paperback


An aparitie: September 1, 2024



The Immunology of the Cat makes available the first single-source, comprehensive review of the feline immune system, reporting on all immunologic aspects of diseases of the cat and its relatives and relating recent basic science to important clinical issues. The book opens with the evolution, domestication, and development of the cat then provides detailed information on immunity to infectious diseases, feline allergic diseases, the top feline autoimmune diseases, and feline immunodeficiencies. Content examines feline vaccines, hypersensitivity, cancer, nutrition, and the aged cat. Professionals in veterinary research and practice will appreciate complete information on all aspects of feline immunology in one essential resource.



Table of Contents:



Chapter 1. The evolution and domestication of the cat

The origins of the Feliformes

The domestication of the cat

Cat breeds

Chapter 2. Feline ontogeny, reproduction, and lactation

Feline pregnancy

Ontogeny of the immune system

Feline colostrum

Failure of passive transfer

Duration of maternal immunity

Chapter 3. Innate immunity in cats

Sentinel cells

Pattern recognition receptors


Antimicrobial peptides

The feline complement system

Chapter 4. Feline leukocytes and erythrocytes


Extracellular traps


Blood transfusions

Hemolytic disease of the newborn

Parentage testing

Blood typing

Chapter 5. The feline sickness response

Effects on the brain

Effects on the liver

Protein misfolding diseases

Inflammatory disease syndromes

Chapter 6. Feline cytokines, chemokines, and interferons

Inflammatory cytokines

Regulatory cytokines

T-cell products

Other inflammatory cytokines



Cytokine receptors

Chapter 7. Feline antigen presenting cells: Dendritic cells and macrophages

Dendritic cells

Feline macrophages


Antigen processing

Histiocytosis and histiocytomas

Chapter 8. The feline lymphoid system

Sources of lymphocytes

Primary lymphoid organs

Secondary lymphoid organs

Chapter 9. The feline major histocompatibility complex

Major histocompatibility complex

FLA class I region

FLA class I molecules

FLA class II region

FLA class II molecules

FLA class III region

MHC molecules and feline diseases

Chapter 10. Feline innate lymphoid cells

Innate helper cells

Natural killer cells

NK cell receptors

Effector mechanisms

NKT cells

Chapter 11. Feline humoral immunity

B-cell antigen receptors

Feline heavy chains

Feline light chains

B-cell responses

B-cell activation

Plasma cells

Memory B-cells

Germinal centers

Myelomas and plasmacytomas


Chapter 12. Feline T-cells and cell-mediated immunity

T cells

T-cell antigen receptors

T-cell activation

Helper T-cells

Cytotoxic T-cells

T-cell regulation

Regulatory T-cells

Th17 cells

Memory T-cells

Chapter 13. Immunity on feline body surfaces

The skin

Respiratory tract

Urogenital tract

Gastrointestinal tract

Mucosal lymphoid tissues

Adaptive immunity

Food tolerance

Chapter 14. The feline microbiota and dysbiosis

The evolution of carnivory

The hygiene hypothesis

The normal feline microbiota

The skin

The respiratory tract

The genitourinary system

The gastrointestinal tract

Feline inflammatory bowel diseases


Chapter 15. Feline vaccines

Antibacterial vaccines

Antiviral vaccines

Other important vaccines


Cat allergen vaccines

Maternal antibodies

Special management issues

Adverse events

Chapter 16. Selected feline infectious diseases

Antibacterial immunity

Immunity to fungi

Immunity to viruses

Feline coronaviruses

Immune responses

Chapter 17. Immunity to selected feline parasites

Immunity to protozoa

Immunity to helminths

Immunity to arthropods




Chapter 18. Feline anaphylaxis and allergic diseases

The hygiene hypothesis

Feline IgE

Feline anaphylaxis

Feline asthma

Feline atopic skin syndrome

Feline parasite allergies

Feline food allergies

Feline drug allergies

Additional information

Chapter 19. Feline eosinophilic diseases

Eosinophil contents

Eosinophil activation

Eosinophilic granuloma complex

Other eosinophilic diseases

Chapter 20. Feline hypersensitivity diseases

Localized type III hypersensitivity lesions

Systemic type III hypersensitivity reactions

Feline vasculitis


Type IV hypersensitivities

Further information

Chapter 21. Cancer immunology and immunotherapy

The cancer immunity cycle

Tumor immunotherapy

Passive immunization

Active immunization

Feline lymphoid tumors

Feline leukemia

Feline injection site sarcomas

Chapter 22. Feline inflammatory diseases

Sterile nodular panniculitis

Feline idiopathic cystitis

Feline chronic gingivostomatitis

Feline triaditis

Immune-mediated arthritis

Erosive polyarthritis

Nonerosive arthritis

Neurologic diseases

Further information

Chapter 23. Feline autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune endocrine diseases

Autoimmune neurological disease

Autoimmune skin diseases

Hair follicle diseases

Autoimmune blood diseases

Lymphocytic cholangitis

Autoimmune muscle diseases

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Discoid lupus erythematosus

Relapsing polychondritis

Further information

Chapter 24. Feline immunodeficiency diseases

Primary immunodeficiencies

Secondary immunodeficiencies

Chapter 25. Nutrition and the feline immune system

Measuring immune function

Carnivory and its adaptations



Chapter 26. Immunity in the geriatric cat

Innate immunity


Lymphoid organs

Adaptive immunity

The aged microbiota




An aparitie September 1, 2024
Autor Ian R Tizard
Editura Elsevier
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780443291791
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 464

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