Small Animal Radiology and Ultrasound

Small Animal Radiology and Ultrasound

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781482225204

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: CRC Press

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 224

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 148 x 210 x 24 mm

An aparitie: 9 mar 2018


Presented in an easy-to-ready format, Small Animal Imaging: Self-Assessment Color Review offers a case-based approach to reviewing and interpreting images and developing a differential diagnosis when necessary. Each case begins with the patient’s age, gender, breed, and species. The reason the patient was brought to the clinic is discussed along with preliminary examination and diagnostic test findings. The book

  • Covers nearly 200 cases with supporting high-quality images for each case
  • Provides detailed answers for each case, including radiographic findings and diagnosis
  • Is written by well-respected experts in the field.

A separate section presents detailed answers for each case including information on the radiographic findings. Also included are the radiographic diagnosis, comments, and notes on whether further imaging or evaluation is needed.

This guide helps practitioners to develop a systematic approach to reviewing images. The easily-navigable text reminds practitioners of the basics in radiography and ultrasound interpretation and diagnosis, making it a quick and convenient reference.


Table of Contents:


Classification of Cases

Normal Dog and Cat Anatomy



Musculoskeletal system

An aparitie 9 mar 2018
Autor John S. Mattoon
Dimensiuni 148 x 210 x 24 mm
Editura CRC Press
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781482225204
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 224

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