Skeletal Trauma (2-Volume) and Green’s Skeletal Trauma in Children Package

Skeletal Trauma (2-Volume) and Green’s Skeletal Trauma in Children Package

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780323708654

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Elsevier

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini:

Coperta: Hardcover


An aparitie: 2019

The Skeletal Trauma (9780323611145) and Green's Skeletal Trauma in Children (9780323613361) cost saving package prepares you to treat a wide variety of unique cases in your practice. This convenient package provides you with unparalleled guidance on the basic science, diagnosis, and treatment of acute musculoskeletal injuries and post-traumatic reconstructive problems, as well as the unique aspects of children's fractures in terms of epidemiology, mechanisms, management, and the challenges of treating the skeletally immature patient. State-of-the-art coverage is provided in these two outstanding orthopaedic surgery references. Skeletal Trauma, 6th Edition (9780323611145) offers expert, comprehensive guidance on the basic science, diagnosis, and treatment of acute musculoskeletal injuries and post-traumatic reconstructive problems, bringing you fully up to date with current approaches in this challenging specialty. This edition contains eight new chapters dedicated to advances in technology and addressing key problems and procedures, such as Initial Evaluation of the Spine in Trauma Patients, Management of Perioperative Pain Associated with Trauma and Surgery, Chronic Pain Management (fully addressing the opioid epidemic), Understanding and Treating Chronic Osteomyelitis, and more. Green's Skeletal Trauma in Children, 6th Edition (9780323613361) has long been considered the "go-to" reference for orthopaedic trauma surgeons and pediatric orthopaedic trauma surgeons, providing comprehensive, practical guidance on the management of traumatic musculoskeletal injuries in children and adolescents.. The fully revised 6th Edition covers the latest techniques, procedures, outcomes measures, pearls and pitfalls, and rehabilitation advice for the modern management and understanding of skeletal trauma in children - all provided by "who's who" list of pediatric orthopaedic trauma experts. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBooks allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

An aparitie 2019
Editura Elsevier
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780323708654
Limba Engleza

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