Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing 4th Edition
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Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani
Editura: Elsevier
Limba: Engleza
Nr. pagini: 608
Coperta: Paperback
Dimensiuni: 216 x 276 mm
An aparitie: 21 July 2023
Guidelines to range of motion and muscle length testing cover techniques including goniometric measurement as well as measurements using inclinometers, tape measures, and smartphone apps.
More than 600 full-color photos and drawings demonstrate various techniques, anatomy, and landmarks for each joint.
Anatomical landmarks provide a fast visual reference showing exactly where to place measuring devices.
Clear template for techniques allows you to quickly and easily identify the information you need.
Chapters on length testing make it easy to locate information on measuring each of the upper and lower extremities as well as the head, neck, and trunk.
Table Of Contents:
Section I: Introduction
1: Measurement of Range of Motion and Muscle Length: Background, History, and Basic Principles
Joint Range of Motion vs Muscle Length
History of Instruments Used to Measure Range of Motion and Muscle Length
Measurement Methods of Muscle Length
Procedures for Measurement
Techniques for Measuring Range of Motion and Muscle Length
2: Measurement of Range of Motion and Muscle Length: Clinical Relevance
Normative Data for Range of Motion and Muscle Length
Factors Affecting Range of Motion
Factors Affecting Muscle Length
Reliability and Validity
Section II: Upper Extremity
3: Measurement of Range of Motion of the Shoulder
Glenohumeral Joint
Sternoclavicular Joint
Acromioclavicular Joint
Scapulothoracic Articulation
Shoulder Complex
Range of Motion and Functional Activity
4: Measurement of Range of Motion of the Elbow and Forearm
Elbow Joint
Forearm Joints
Range of Motion and Functional Activity
Techniques of Measurement
5: Measurement of Range of Motion of the Wrist and Hand
Wrist Joint
First Carpometacarpal (CMC) Joint
Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and Interphalangeal (IP) Joints
Techniques of Measurement
6: Muscle Length Testing of the Upper Extremity
Apley’s Scratch Test
Shoulder and Wrist Elevation Test
Techniques for Testing Muscle
Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Length
Pectoralis Major Muscle Length: General (Video 6.3)
Pectoralis Major Muscle Length: Sternal (Lower) Portion
Pectoralis Major Muscle Length: Clavicular (Upper) Portion
Pectoralis Minor Muscle Length (Video 6.8)
Triceps Muscle Length (Video 6.9)
Biceps Muscle Length (Video 6.10)
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) Muscle Length: Inclinometer
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) Muscle Length: Smartphone Method
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Digitorum Profundus, and Flexor Digiti Minimi Muscle Length (Video 6.11)
Extensor Digitorum, Extensor Indicis, and Extensor Digiti Minimi Muscle Length (Video 6.12)
Lumbricals: Palmer and Dorsal Interossei Muscle Length (Video 6.13)
7: Reliability and Validity of Measurements of Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing of the Upper Extremity
Reliability and Validity of Upper Extremity Goniometry and Inclinometry
Reliability of Muscle Length Testing
Section III: Head, Neck, and Trunk
8: Measurement of Range of Motion of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine
Anatomy and Osteokinematics
Limitations of Motion
Functional Range of Motion
Techniques of Measurement
Flexion—Lumbar Spine: Tape Measure Method (Video 8.1)
Flexion—Thoracolumbar Spine: Tape Measure Method (Video 8.2)
Flexion—Lumbar Spine: Fingertip-to-Floor
Flexion—Lumbar Spine: Goniometer Technique (Video 8.3)
Flexion—Lumbar Spine: Inclinometer Method (Video 8.4)
Flexion—Lumbar Spine: BROM Device (Video 8.5)
Flexion—Lumbar Spine: Smartphone Method
Flexion—Thoracic and Lumbar Spine: Flexicurve Technique
Extension—Lumbar Spine: Tape Measure Method (Video 8.7)
Extension—Lumbar Spine: Tape Measure Method—Prone (Video 8.6)
Extension—Lumbar Spine: Goniometer Technique (Video 8.8)
Extension—Lumbar Spine: Inclinometer Method (Video 8.9)
Extension—Lumbar Spine: BROM Device (Video 8.10)
Extension—Lumbar Spine: Smartphone Method
Extension—Thoracic and Lumbar Spine: Flexicurve Technique
Lateral Flexion—Thoracolumbar Spine: Tape Measure Method (Video 8.11)
Lateral Flexion—Lumbar Spine: Goniometer Technique (Video 8.13)
Lateral Flexion—Lumbar Spine: Inclinometer Method (Video 8.14)
Lateral Flexion—Lumbar Spine: BROM Device
Lateral Flexion—Lumbar Spine: Smartphone Method
Rotation—Thoracolumbar Spine: Tape Measure Method (Video 8.15)
Rotation—Thoracic Spine: Goniometer Method
Rotation—Thoracolumbar Spine: Inclinometer Method
Rotation—Thoracic Spine: Inclinometer Method (Video 8.16)
Rotation—Lumbar Spine: BROM (Video 8.17)
9: Measurement of Range of Motion of the Cervical Spine and Temporomandibular Joint
Cervical Spine
Temporomandibular Joint
10: Reliability and Validity of Measurement of Range of Motion of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint
Thoracic and Lumbar Spine
Cervical Spine
Temporomandibular Joint
Section IV: Lower Extremity
11: Measurement of Range of Motion of the Hip
Limitations of Motion: Hip Joint
Capsular Pattern
Range of Motion and Functional Activity
Techniques of Measurement: Hip Flexion/Extension
Techniques of Measurement: Hip Abduction/Adduction
Techniques of Measurement: Hip Medial-Lateral Rotation
Hip Flexion (Video 11.1)
Hip Extension (Video 11.2)
Hip Abduction (Video 11.3)
Hip Adduction (Video 11.4)
Hip Lateral Rotation With Hip Flexed—Goniometer (Video 11.5)
Hip Medial Rotation With Hip Flexed—Goniometer (Video 11.6)
Hip Lateral Rotation With Hip Flexed—Inclinometer (Video 11.7)
Hip Medial Rotation With Hip Flexed—Inclinometer (Video 11.8)
Hip Lateral Rotation With Hip Flexed—Smartphone Method
Hip Medial Rotation With Hip Flexed—Smartphone Method
Hip Lateral Rotation With Hip Extended—Goniometer (Video 11.9)
Hip Medial Rotation With Hip Extended—Goniometer (Video 11.10)
Hip Lateral Rotation With Hip Extended—Inclinometer (Video 11.11)
Hip Medial Rotation With Hip Extended—Inclinometer (Video 11.12)
Hip Lateral Rotation With Hip Extended— Smartphone Method
Hip Medial Rotation With Hip Flexed—Smartphone Method
12: Measurement of Range of Motion of the Knee
Limitations of Motion: Knee Joint
Capsular Pattern
RANGE OF MOTION and Functional Activity
Techniques of Measurement: Knee Flexion/Extension
Knee Flexion (Video 12.1)
Knee Extension (Video 12.2)
13: Measurement of Range of Motion of the Ankle and Foot
Ankle, Subtalar, and Transverse Tarsal Joints
Metatarsophalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints
RANGE OF MOTION and Functional Activity
Techniques of Measurement
14: Muscle Length Testing of the Lower Extremity
Tests for Muscle Length: Iliopsoas
Tests for Muscle Length: Rectus Femoris
Tests for Muscle Length: Hamstrings
Tests for Muscle Length: Iliotibial Band and Tensor Fasciae Latae
Tests for Muscle Length: Gastrocnemius and Soleus
Iliopsoas Muscle Length: Thomas Test (Video 14.1)
Iliopsoas Muscle Length: Prone Hip Extension Test (Video 14.2)
Rectus Femoris Muscle Length: Thomas Test (Video 14.3)
Rectus Femoris Muscle Length: Prone Technique (Ely Test) (Video 14.4)
Hamstring Muscle Length: Straight Leg Raise Test (Video 14.5)
Hamstring Muscle Length: Knee Extension Test (Video 14.6)
Iliotibial Band and Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle Length: Ober Test and Modified Ober Test
Iliotibial Band and Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle Length: Ober Test and Modified Ober Test—Inclinometer
Iliotibial Band (ITB) and Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL) Muscle Length: Ober Test and Modified Ober Test—Smartphone
Iliotibial Band and Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle Length: Prone Technique (Video 14.9)
Gastrocnemius Muscle Length Test (Video 14.10)
Soleus Muscle Length Test: Supine (Video 14.11)
Soleus Muscle Length Test: Prone (Video 14.12)
Soleus (Gastrocnemius) Muscle Length: Standing Lunge Test—Tape Measure
Soleus (Gastrocnemius) Muscle Length: Standing Lunge Test—Inclinometer
Soleus (Gastrocnemius) Muscle Length: Standing Lunge Test—Smartphone
15: Reliability and Validity of Measurements of Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing of the Lower Extremity
Reliability and Validity of Lower Extremity Goniometry
16: Pediatric Range of Motion
Upper Extremity ROM
Techniques of Measurement: Upper Extremity
Shoulder Flexion
Shoulder Lateral Rotation
Elbow Extension
Wrist Flexion
Lower Extremity ROM
Hip Flexion
Hip Extension
Hip Abduction
Hip Lateral Rotation
Hip Medial Rotation
Knee Extension
Ankle Pronation: Dorsiflexion Component
Ankle/Foot Supination: Inversion Component
Ankle/Foot Pronation: Eversion Component
Cervical ROM
Passive Rotation—Cervical Spine: Arthrodial Protractor Technique
Passive Lateral Flexion—Cervical Spine: Arthrodial Protractor Technique
Active Rotation—Cervical Spine: Supine Position (Infants 0–3 months)
Active Rotation—Cervical Spine: Rotating Stool Test (Infants ≥3 months)
Active Lateral Flexion—Cervical Spine: Muscle Function Scale (Infants ≥2 months)
Special Tests: Muscle Length—Passive Knee Extension Test
Thigh-Foot Angle
Transmalleolar Axis
Special Test: Standing Alignment During Development
Appendix A: Sample Data Recording Forms
Appendix B: Normative Range of Motion of the Extremities and Spine in Adults
An aparitie | 21 July 2023 |
Autor | Nancy Berryman Reese, William D. Bandy |
Dimensiuni | 216 x 276 mm |
Editura | Elsevier |
Format | Paperback |
ISBN | 9780323831871 |
Limba | Engleza |
Nr pag | 608 |
Versiune digitala | DA |
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