Grant’s Dissector

Grant’s Dissector

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781975193676

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: LWW

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 352

Coperta: Paperback


An aparitie: 28 feb 2024


A go-to dissection resource for generations, Grant’s Dissector, 18th Edition, provides comprehensive, step-by-step guidance for the dissection of the human cadaver, empowering users to recognize important anatomic relationships and ensure successful outcomes in the anatomy lab. This updated 18th Edition is easy to use and exhaustive in scope, offering the perfect balance of foundational coverage and the latest approaches to broaden your understanding of key dissection procedures and ready you for success in healthcare practice.
Each chapter is consistently organized beginning with a Dissection Overview that provides a blueprint of what needs to be accomplished during the dissection session and includes relevant surface anatomy. Dissection Instructions offer a logical sequence and numbered steps for the dissection. The Dissection Follow-up emphasizes important features of the dissection and encourages you to reflect on and synthesize the information for the most accurate and effective outcomes.

  • UPDATED! New and revised illustrations improve students’ accuracy and precision from initial incisions to deeper dissection.
  • Chapter Introductions focus students’ attention on relevant Clinical Correlations for healthcare practice.
  • Dissection Overviews outline key steps and relevant surface anatomy and osteology, including illustrated landmarks and procedural guidance from palpating bony structures to making skin incisions.
  • Dissection Instructions deliver numbered, step-by-step support to clarify procedures and ensure confidence throughout the dissection experience.
  • UPDATED! Cross-references reinforce understanding and streamline the dissection process with direct links to related content in Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy and Grant’s Dissection Videos.


An aparitie 28 feb 2024
Autor Alan J. Detton PhD
Editura LWW
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781975193676
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 352

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