Goodman and Marshall’s Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags for the Physical Therapist Assistant

Goodman and Marshall’s Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags for the Physical Therapist Assistant

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780323878791

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Elsevier

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini:

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 216 x 276 mm

An aparitie: 11 sep 2024


Table of Contents:



Multiple Choice Questions

1. Introduction to Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags for the Physical Therapist Assistant


Textbook Elements

Yellow or Red Flags

Reasons That Red Flags Pop Up

Decision-Making Process



Review Questions

2. Pain Types and Viscerogenic Pain Patterns


Mechanisms of Referred Visceral Pain

Understanding Pain and Other Symptoms

Sources of Pain

Types of Pain

Comparison of Systemic Versus Musculoskeletal Pain Patterns

Recognizing Emotional and Psychological Symptoms

Other Considerations


Review Questions

3. Recognizing, Documenting, and Reporting Red Flags

General Survey

Walking Speed: The Sixth Vital Sign

Recognizing and Reporting Neurologic Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Red-Flag Clinical Presentations

Precautions/Contraindications to Therapy

Guidelines for Immediate Communication With the Physical Therapist


Review Questions

4. Review of Systems for the Physical Therapist Assistant

Recognizing and Reporting Hematologic Red Flags


Recognizing and Reporting Cardiovascular Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Pulmonary Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Gastrointestinal Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Hepatic Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Endocrine-Related Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Metabolic Disturbance Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags of Cancer


Review Questions

5. Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags in the Head, Neck, and Back

Goodman Model for the Physical Therapist Assistant

Past Medical History

Risk Factor Assessment

Clinical Presentation

Review of Systems


Review Questions

6. Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags in the Upper Extremity

Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags in the Shoulder

Recognizing and Reporting Pulmonary Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Cardiovascular Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Urologic Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Gastrointestinal Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Liver and Biliary Red Flags

Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags of Infection

Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags of Cancer

Pancoast Tumor

Recognizing and Reporting Gynecologic Red Flags


Review Questions

7. Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags in the Lower Extremity

Past Medical History

Risk Factors

Pain Pattern

Neuromusculoskeletal Presentation

Systemic Presentation

Trauma as a Cause of Hip, Groin, or Lower Extremity Pain

Recognizing Red Flags Associated With Sciatica

Recognizing Oncologic Red Flags in the Lower Extremity

Recognizing Urologic Red Flags in the Lower Extremity

Recognizing Infectious and Inflammatory Red Flags in the Lower Extremity

Recognizing Gastrointestinal Red Flags in the Lower Extremity

Recognizing Vascular Red Flags in the Lower Extremity


Review Questions


Patient Scenarios

Expand your physical therapy knowledge and skills with these expert resources


An aparitie 11 sep 2024
Autor Charlene Marshall
Dimensiuni 216 x 276 mm
Editura Elsevier
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780323878791
Limba Engleza

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