6 Ways to Design a Face: Corrective Jaw Surgery to Optimize Bite, Airway, and Facial Balance

6 Ways to Design a Face: Corrective Jaw Surgery to Optimize Bite, Airway, and Facial Balance

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780867159660

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Quintessence

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 256

Coperta: Hardcover


An aparitie: 2021

In this innovative and paradigm-busting book, the author asserts that almost all bad bites have their origin in a small mandible, what he calls anterior mandibular hypoplasia, or AMHypo, and further claims that surgical management is the only means to correct it. AMHypo arises because of a small anterior tongue, and it leads to dewlap (poor chin-neck contour), dental crowding, impacted third molars, a range of dental malocclusions, and retroglossal tongue displacement into the upper airway. Traditional orthodontics often camouflage the small jaw by extracting �extra� teeth that don�t fit and controlling growth with various appliances, effectively leaving the patient in the same medical predicament they were before having their teeth straightened and their occlusion fixed. After all, for every patient with a bad bite, there are three combined, interwoven, inseparable treatment considerations: occlusion, airway, face. In this book, the author outlines the anthropologic underpinnings of the small jaw and then outlines his six surgical methods of designing the face to optimize bite, airway, and facial balance: IMDO, GenioPaully, custom BIMAX, SuperBIMAX, custom PEEK implants, and SARME. IMDO, or intermolar mandibular distraction osteogenesis, is a surgery less invasive than third molar surgery that can expand the mandible by as much as 16.5 mm and effectively bring the tongue forward to eliminate the potential for airway issues down the line, not to mention improve the patient�s profile dramatically. The surgeries and protocols in this book will have you rethinking your approach to patient care and asking yourself how you can better care for your patient now AND in the future. The author sees no reason why we should not expect to carry all 32 of our teeth for our adult lifetime in a Class I occlusion and free of crowding or impactions or airway collapse. Do you dare to join him?

An aparitie 2021
Autor Coceancig, Paul
Editura Quintessence
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780867159660
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 256
Nr Pag 256

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